If you want to help with StarMod, the following items could use helping hands:
- Custom bin name - Small, see also issues/48 🚧
- Improve UI - Big, see issues/54
- Setup ( - Medium
- Print to different targets (Serial, file, net) - Medium 🚧
- Promote StarBase to other communities eg Fastled community
- Improve pins viewer, see gpio viewer - Big 🚧
- Example AppModules (eg FastLed, blink, pin high/low, gyro viewer, ...) see issues/50
- StarLink: synchronized time within 20ms between instances (look for Toki::Time and timebase) - @ewowi 🚧
- replace ESPAsyncWebServer by the new one wled uses (get rid of occassionaly assert failed: multi_heap_free multi_heap_poisoning.c:259 (head != NULL) when on usb/pio)
- Presets: a module can store it's current values to file system and if there are more you can select one of them
- DMX / Artnet 🚧
- Home Assistant 🚧
- Basic devices (I2S support (e.g. gyro, buttons, rotary encoder), support for on/off and brightness hardware
- ...
- Create new effects - Medium
- @WildCats Game of Life on 2D and 3D 🚧
- Analog VU meter
- Akemi like effect for StarLight - need to design a StarMod avatar
- Create a universal fire effect, suitable for 1D, 2D and 3D. See also StarLight Effects on effect and projection dimensions
- Create new projections - Medium
- revisit the projection mechanism: @ewowi, planned in July, WildCats08
- See theory
- Fixture generator preview - Medium
- Generate your fixture - Medium
- burning man - create conversion script between 3D models and StarLight
- bike fixture - ewowi (the bike is ready: insta )
- Sound reactive palette
- New bin -> default fixture and default effect
- Sound reactive (now sound sync)
- use Fusion (or other CAD tool) to generate F_ixture.json files, optionally draw lamps with lights and extract the json from it (possibly with python api?)
- Documention (this):
- @MONSOONO / @Flavourdynamics 🚧
Contact us on Discord.