Contributors & Credits
This page is to honor the work of all the people who helped to make StarMod what it is today!
Direct Contributors to StarMod code
Everyone you see on the Contributors page and:
@netmindz @softhack007 @sören @troy @brandon502
This list is incomplete.
Testing, Contributors and Supporters
This list has been redacted for privacy reasons. If you've contributed to the project by testing a lot, helping the community, or sending me a gift, feel free to edit this page and add yourself (maintain alphabetical order) 😄 Thank you very much, your help is truly appreciated!
Put two spaces behind your name, else the line break will not appear in the final page!
Used Libraries and Dependencies
ESP32 Arduino Core
NeoPixelBus by Makuna
FastLED library
ESPAsyncTCP by me-no-dev
ESPAsyncUDP by me-no-dev (as of 0.9.0)
ESPAsyncWebServer by me-no-dev
ArduinoJSON by bblanchon
async-mqtt-client by marvinroger
WS2812FX by kitesurfer1404 (modified)
IRremoteESP8266 by markszabo (optional)
Timezone by JChristensen
Blynk library (compacted)
E1.31 library by forkineye (modified)
Espalexa by Aircoookie (modified)
Many included FastLED effects are modified versions of kriegsman's gists!
StarMod implements Art-Net™ Designed by and Copyright Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd
WebServer_tng by bbx10 (ESP32, up to 0.8.3)
PubSubClient by knolleary (modified, up to 0.8.3)
iro.js colorpicker by James Daniel!
Classic UI icons by Linearicons created by Perxis!
Toki.h - Minimal millisecond accurate timekeeping by Aircoookie (modified)
If you would like to appear in this list for a contribution you made or be removed from it, feel free to contact me!